Inspired Writer Not Plagiarizer
Ever Accused Of Plagiarism ?
I Never thought To be A Plagiraizer Unless i Was Accused Recently on a Facebook Group of Pakistan Bloggers , writer's, readers and Poets . Got accused Of Copying Content Of SomeOne Great name As -Rumi , Under my Name Of -Romie .
it is a Great shame To a Writer getting accused of Copying 100% Content of Someother writer and giving its full credit to Your Ownself .
it is a Great shame To a Writer getting accused of Copying 100% Content of Someother writer and giving its full credit to Your Ownself .
Being a Credited writer I don't feel i need to give any justification to Someone else About my writing , but then While Browsing through internet i Browsed through a Blog of some Anonymous writer Who wrote a complete definition of Love In his Novel, The ideas Were quite Similar To my recent Writeup About Love and Ishq , and now its Bumming me out big time.
This leads me to a question. What is the difference between plagiarism and inspiration? For example, let's say I read, oh... "Oliver Twist " and then thought "what a cool idea!" and promptly started on a novel about "Poverty Leads to Crime " Where I make A female Orphan Character Which starts her Journey from an Orphanage To a Journey that leads her to world of Unpardonable Crimes .
So We say it's plagiarism ?
What about the case of "Battle Royale"/"The Hunger Games"? They are way too similar. It bothered me as a reader because I felt as if Susan Collins completely took the idea.
Or the many PNR novels , Romance novels almost always follow similar plots- a couple meets (or notices each other), becomes attracted to each other, deals with an interior or exterior challenge to their relationship, and ends up 'in love' (whether or not that works out well for them). It's what authors do with those typical plots that make the books different and interesting, not the plots themselves.
I'm Not talking about Same Writers , these writers are different , These Novels are Published officially And Yet No one Uptill now Had Got hands over the writer For Plagiarism Law Breaking .
What about the case of "Battle Royale"/"The Hunger Games"? They are way too similar. It bothered me as a reader because I felt as if Susan Collins completely took the idea.
Or the many PNR novels , Romance novels almost always follow similar plots- a couple meets (or notices each other), becomes attracted to each other, deals with an interior or exterior challenge to their relationship, and ends up 'in love' (whether or not that works out well for them). It's what authors do with those typical plots that make the books different and interesting, not the plots themselves.
I'm Not talking about Same Writers , these writers are different , These Novels are Published officially And Yet No one Uptill now Had Got hands over the writer For Plagiarism Law Breaking .
My dear Fellows and readers and writers It is Officially said By the International Literature Organization that there are overall 8 original plot types, rest are relatively similar. So its pretty hard to write anything new and imaginative. Even the World Most Famous Award winner Writer of All time William Shakespeare has Only One play of its Original Own Plot .
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With a few exceptions, Shakespeare did not invent the plots of his plays. Sometimes he used old stories (Hamlet, Pericles). Sometimes he worked from the stories of comparatively recent Italian writers, such as Giovanni Boccaccio—using both well-known stories (Romeo and Juliet, Much Ado About Nothing) and little-known ones (Othello). He used the popular prose fictions of his contemporaries in As You Like It and The Winter’s Tale. In writing his historical plays, he drew largely from Sir Thomas North’s translation of Plutarch's Lives Of The Noble Grecians and Romans for the Roman plays and the chronicles of Edward Halls. and Holinshed for the plays based upon English history. Some plays deal with rather remote and legendary history (King Lear, Cymbeline, Macbeth). Earlier dramatists had occasionally used the same material (there were, for example, the earlier plays called The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifthand King Leir). But, because many plays of Shakespeare’s time have been lost, it is impossible to be sure of the relation between an earlier, lost Play and Shakespeare’s surviving one: in the case of Hamlet it has been plausibly argued that an “old play,” known to have existed, was merely an early version of Shakespeare’s own.
But In 17th Century it Came To felt Shakespeare Is One Of the Best "Natural Writer". Readers and playgoers in Shakespeare’s own lifetime, and indeed until the late 18th century, never questioned Shakespeare’s authorship of his plays. He was a well-known actor from Stratford who performed in London’s premier acting company, among the great actors of his day. He was widely known by the leading writers of his time as well, including Ben Jonson and John Webster, both of whom praised him as a dramatist. Many other tributes to him as a great writer appeared during his lifetime. Any theory that supposes him not to have been the writer of the plays and poems attributed to him must suppose that Shakespeare’s contemporaries were universally fooled by some kind of secret arrangement.
With a few exceptions, Shakespeare did not invent the plots of his plays. Sometimes he used old stories (Hamlet, Pericles). Sometimes he worked from the stories of comparatively recent Italian writers, such as Giovanni Boccaccio—using both well-known stories (Romeo and Juliet, Much Ado About Nothing) and little-known ones (Othello). He used the popular prose fictions of his contemporaries in As You Like It and The Winter’s Tale. In writing his historical plays, he drew largely from Sir Thomas North’s translation of Plutarch's Lives Of The Noble Grecians and Romans for the Roman plays and the chronicles of Edward Halls. and Holinshed for the plays based upon English history. Some plays deal with rather remote and legendary history (King Lear, Cymbeline, Macbeth). Earlier dramatists had occasionally used the same material (there were, for example, the earlier plays called The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifthand King Leir). But, because many plays of Shakespeare’s time have been lost, it is impossible to be sure of the relation between an earlier, lost Play and Shakespeare’s surviving one: in the case of Hamlet it has been plausibly argued that an “old play,” known to have existed, was merely an early version of Shakespeare’s own.
But In 17th Century it Came To felt Shakespeare Is One Of the Best "Natural Writer". Readers and playgoers in Shakespeare’s own lifetime, and indeed until the late 18th century, never questioned Shakespeare’s authorship of his plays. He was a well-known actor from Stratford who performed in London’s premier acting company, among the great actors of his day. He was widely known by the leading writers of his time as well, including Ben Jonson and John Webster, both of whom praised him as a dramatist. Many other tributes to him as a great writer appeared during his lifetime. Any theory that supposes him not to have been the writer of the plays and poems attributed to him must suppose that Shakespeare’s contemporaries were universally fooled by some kind of secret arrangement.
From here We Can see , The Writer Like William Shakespeare Was Never Ever Accused of Plagiarism , but Was Supported Greatly by that time's renowned Dramatists , Novelist , Poets , and writers . Because He Just Get inspiration from other plotters but The writing he does was Natural .
And now coming back to myself , being a writer it is neither possible for me or any other writer to Create a Plot that has a Unique Kind but We can Get ideas , inspirations from those thoughts and Recreate , Reform it in a Unique Manner , to deliver the idea with Unique words , Feelings , and Actions .
So It is an Utmost Request To any of the literature Judgementals ,
that one of my Teacher said :
And now coming back to myself , being a writer it is neither possible for me or any other writer to Create a Plot that has a Unique Kind but We can Get ideas , inspirations from those thoughts and Recreate , Reform it in a Unique Manner , to deliver the idea with Unique words , Feelings , and Actions .
So It is an Utmost Request To any of the literature Judgementals ,
that one of my Teacher said :
"Literature Is not Heirship of any Single person , any writer can Have Its Own personal Unique style , wether Idea is Truly original or not But The expression of ideas Should be only of the Writer itself . "
So my dear Fellow Writers Please Never ever try to Judge Any New and Upcoming Writer and Accusing him Of Plagiarism Content , better try to improve him or her but never ever try to demotivate him And Lead him Out track Of Literature .
Writer : RoMie
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